(Mike carving President Franklin
Roosevelt) |
people ask how I got started with wood carving. When our oldest
son was born we spent much of our time pushing his stroller through craft
shows. It was a way of getting out of the house and also a place we could
stationed with the Marine Corps in
Battle Creek, Michigan
we went to this particular craft show in the fall of 1992 at the
Arena. At the show I bought
this carved wooden
box. Not sure who the carver was (he did not sign
his work), but it was a relief carving in basswood. As I
checked out the box, as a typical male, I
said "I can do that". First thing I did was buy a book and a
starter’s woodcarvers kit. I carved a few boxes and gave most of them away.
I then decided to carve figures or what is also known as ‘in the
round’. I bought another book, this time
“Carving the Civil War”
by Tom Wolfe.
I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve carved many different things, but
enjoy carving wooden figures the best. Here is a picture of my first figure carved in 1993.
It is 8" tall and was carved in a vice with a flat chisel carving tool. You’ll quickly notice how basic it is and
that it has no face.
Faces were extremely hard for me at the
time. My carvings have evolved through many years of practice.
I took a psychology class in college and my
proclaimed that making things with one's hands is a form a
therapy. I think he is right. Wood Carving
allows me to wander off and see where my creativity takes me. I hope you
enjoy the web sight. Oh by the way, if you at all have an interest in
woodcarving, or have ever said, "I can do that", you need to give
it a try. You'll be surprised where your talents will take you.