This is Santa
checking his list. You'll notice a slight change from my
other carvings in that their are two of man's best friends in
his pack. A malamute on his right and a golden retriever
to his left. The carving is 9" tall and carved in
basswood. Feb 2010 (Janesville, WI) |

This is also Santa
checking his list. You'll notice a Loon peeking
over his shoulder. The carving is 9" tall and
carved in basswood. Jan 2010 (Janesville, WI)

This is a
snowman loon that I made for an admirer in Wisconsin.
This carving stands 8" tall and is made of basswood.
Dec 2009 (Janesville, WI) |

This Santa's name is Sam
and stands about 9"tall. He lives in the greater Detroit area.
(Dec 08) |

This Santa is 9" tall. He now lives in New
Baltimore, MI. That is an Marine Corps LAV he is carrying.
(Dec 08)

This is an old time
Santa that resides in Romeo, Michigan. It is 10" tall.
(Sept 08) |

I made this Santa for my
mother in law who lives in Alabama. The Santa is 8" tall.
(Dec 07) |

I made this Santa for my sister in law who lives
in Battle Creek, Michigan. The Santa is 9" tall and there is beach
scene at the bottom of the Santa. (Dec 06) |

2006 |
